Friday, February 20, 2015

My Sister's Keeper - Post Reading

“Darkness, you know, is relative,” is a quote from the novel My Sister’s Keeper. At first, this quote might seem to be talking about actual, physical darkness. However, this is not the case. It means, “the problem you’re going through could pale in comparison to something else that you or someone else is going through”. 
In My Sister’s Keeper, this is true of Anna. Even though her problem seemed dire at the time, and it was (to her), it was nothing compared to what Kate was constantly going through, or even to Jesse’s problems, including drugs, arson, and making contraband whiskey. The stress that her mom and dad are constantly dealing with also far surpasses any problem she could have. All that she has to deal with is worrying about the other members of her family - not worrying about herself. She files a lawsuit against her parents, but not because she really doesn’t want be a donor for her sister, I don’t think. She just wants her parents to notice her for who she really is, not for who she is in relation to someone else: Kate. Anna thought that being ignored was the worst thing that could happen, because her problems - her darkness - was the most relevant darkness to her, and seemed the most important. Obviously, the threat of death or of imprisonment is far more serious than being ignored. Anna got so caught up in the problem that she was going through that she forgot to think of the other four members of her family.
Have you ever been having a bad day, simply because of a bad grade or because of an argument that you had with a friend, but then you looked up and noticed someone else who was going something far worse - something that dwarfed your problems? This is what the quote “Darkness, you know, is relative,” means in your everyday life. You thought that whatever you were going through at the time was hugely important, but then something else puts it in its place.

If you remember that there is ALWAYS someone with problems far worse than yours, you might have a chance to help them fix their problems.

1 comment:

  1. Well written response Hannah. Good examples to show the quote's meaning. It is important to remember this to keep things in life in perspective. Grade: 50/50
