Ten Things I Am Most Scared Of
1. Having dreams so big that they will never happen
I have really big dreams. I feel like I spend so much time planning them that I don’t have time to work on making them real. I feel like they are so big that they will never happen, and I give up.
2. Losing the chance to do something important
I have plans of what I want to do, often with other people. Because of being shy, I often don’t pursue the plans and lose the chance to do these things.
3. People not liking me
I always have the problem of worrying how people will like me or what I do. Many times, I changed something or backed down because of this.
4. Not being good enough
Before I do something, I always worry about how good the others there are. I worry about how I will compare to them.
5. Time going by too fast
I like to take time to plan things out. When time seems to go by too fast, I feel like I lose control of everything, and that makes me waste more time.
6. Not knowing what I am supposed to do
I always get nervous when I am told to do something and not given clear instructions. I want to ask how to do it, but I’m scared to. I have plans for most things, but I hardly ever know where to start.
7. Forgetting something important
I always worry that I will forget to do something important. I wonder what will happen if I do, and I plan everything out so that I won’t. Still, I worry about forgetting to do something that I need to do.
8. People controlling everything I do for all my life
I always look forward to when I can make my own decisions. I have plans for what I want to do later in my life. If there is someone telling me every little thing to do all of the time, I think I will go insane.
9. Freedom
I don’t know how I will act when I am given more freedom. Right now everything is so strict that I hardly have any time to sit down and think. It’s like every second of my life is planned out. Without this, I might only want to sit and think, and never get any of the things I think about done.
10. Spiders
I was playing outside one day in fourth grade, and I got bit by a huge spider. No one knew whether it was poisonous or not, so we went to the doctor’s. It wasn’t poisonous, but I still remember how bad it hurt and the hole in my thumb. I know that most people are at least a little scared of spiders, but ever since then, I have been more afraid of them than the average person.
Thank you so much for sharing your fears with me. I am sure that your perseverance and academic strength will keep many of these fears from coming true! And FYI- I too am afraid of spiders :-) Grade: 25/25